Monday, September 21, 2009

6 Months and 1 Day!

WOW! 6 months old already! I can’t believe it’s been half a year already! I was just watching some of her old videos of when she was 5 weeks old earlier today and has she ever grown up! She is huge now compared to back then. And she has progressed so much in the past few months. She is almost able to stand for a second or 2 with our help. Her legs are very strong. Her arms on the other hand and not so strong. She is not able to crawl yet but when she is on her tummy she can pick her but up and sticks it right in the air. It’s really cute! But why keep trying to get her to crawl to her toy each day and she gets closer to crawling every time. She defiantly makes mommy and daddy proud! And wow! This child can scream! And marc loves he says if she keeps that up she is going to have an amazing signing voice! :) Imagine my little angel being a signer :) brings tears to my eyes already! But seriously she is so loud! And its high-pitched screams of joy! She does it with a big smile on her face. I’m positive the neighbours must wonder what’s going on. She is also soon going to be too big for her swing. We had her in it the other day swinging not to fast more like medium mode and she just stuck out her arm and held on to the frame and stopped the swing. I was like OK no more turning that on! I was so scared her hurt her arm. But from the smile on her face I was convinced she was fine She also LOVES to laugh. Once I find out how to upload a video Ill post one of me acting like a fool and her laughing at me. Its great :) I adore my little angel princess :)


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